We had Snowmark and Clubmark status until they were discontinued in January 2023.
They demonstrated that the club is well-managed and meets the high standards for Care and Protection, Equity and Ethics embodied in Snowsport England’s current Safeguarding policy.
We also have well-developed processes and plans for the development of members, instructors and other volunteers. email nssc.safeguarding@gmail.com
We take Members’ Welfare very seriously and have:-
Club Welfare Officer, Ann Loton, who can be contacted on 07702 234083 or ann.loton@ntlworld.com
“Members who wish to raise a matter of concern may do so knowing that I shall deal with it sensitively, confidentially, discreetly and with honesty of purpose “.
Deputy Club Welfare Officer, Gareth Bott who can be contacted on 07837 207785 or bott6@icloud.com
Welfare Officer, Emily Bagshaw, who can be contacted on 07964 677200 or emily_bagshaw@hotmail.com
Click for a clear list of policies that outline the way that any potential issues will be dealt with.
NSSC_Safeguarding_Policy NSSC_Safeguarding_Guidance_document NSSC_Inclusion_and_Diversity_Policy NSSC_Safer_Recruitment_Policy NSSC_Anti-Bullying_Policy_Oct_2024 NSSC_Whistleblowing_policy NSSC_Transport_Policy NSSC_photography_and_filming_Policy NSSC_Digital_communication_and_Social_Media_Policy_Oct_2024